Thank you for contacting NCsoft Account Support.
I am transferring this support ticket to the NCsoft Account Admin Team so that they can review your appeal. Once your appeal has been reviewed or if additional information is necessary to process this request, the NCsoft Account Admin Team will update this ticket.
Generally, investigations can take 48 hours or longer, depending upon the individual factors that led to the sanction. However, our current wait times are longer than usual due to an increase in support contacts from upcoming events. We appreciate your patience while your case is being reviewed.
The NCsoft Account Admin Team will only review the account sanctions and will not be able to assist you with game/account specific questions such as item/character status, how an account may have been compromised, or specific information about an account intrusion. If necessary, those issues can be addressed by the Game Support Team once your appeal has been completed.
Thank you,
NCsoft Account Support
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